- The WCA Regulations must be followed wherever applicable.
- Judges and equipment (i.e. timers, stopwatches, sight blockers, etc.) are required for unofficial events at WCA
competitions and for unofficial competitions.
- Gen 2 timers are allowed in addition to the timers allowed for WCA competitions.
- cubing.js, csTimer, or
TNoodle scrambles must be used for twisty puzzle
events. In particular, random-state scrambles must be used for a puzzle, if available.
- Only organizers and Delegates of WCA competitions are allowed to hold unofficial events at them.
- Every event has a ranked average format (i.e. Average of 5, Mean of 3). If a round uses a different average format,
average results from that round will not be included in the rankings (but single results will).
- The solved state for a non-WCA twisty puzzle is determined by each side having colored parts of the same color. If a
puzzle has multiple solved states (e.g. Dino Cube), it may be solved into and scrambled from any of the possible
solved states (scrambling orientation rules still apply).
Relay events
R1. The judge uncovers all puzzles at once.
R2. An attempt includes a normal 15-second inspection phase, regardless of the number of puzzles. The competitor(s) is
free to inspect any of the puzzles in any order during this phase.
Team events
T1. There must be no physical contact with arms below the elbow between any members of a team during a solve
(specifically solve, not the full attempt). Penalty: DNF.
T2. All members of a team may communicate with each other and with the judge.
T3. A team must consist of the same members for all attempts across all rounds of an event. Exception: Some events may
have specific allowances for this.
T4. A competitor who has participated in a round as a member of one team must not compete as a member of any other team
in that round.
Fully blindfolded events
F1. A fully blindfolded attempt proceeds like a normal blindfolded attempt (see
Article B of the WCA Regulations), with
the following changes:
F2. There is no memorization phase.
F3. The competitor must be blindfolded before the start of the attempt.
F4. After the competitor dons the blindfold and tells the judge they are ready, the judge holds up the sight blocker
between the competitor's face and the puzzle, and tells the competitor they may start the attempt.
F5. The competitor starts the attempt by starting the timer. This is the same as other events, except the competitor
starts the timer and lifts the puzzle cover while blindfolded, entirely by feel.
Event rules
These rules apply to each event individually. If an event is not listed here, it must follow the most relevant WCA Regulations, based on the nature of the event (i.e. one of the articles from A to F).
- Scrambling notation: the puzzle is oriented with one vertex facing directly in the front, such that four of the faces are directly above, below, to the left, and to the right of the front-facing vertex. These make up the U, F, L, and R faces, respectively. For the four faces on the back, B is adjacent to U, BL is adjacent to L, BR is adjacent to R, and D is adjacent to F.
- Scrambling orientation (see Regulation 4d of the WCA Regulations): scrambled starting with white (if not possible, then the lightest color) as the U face and green (if not possible, then the darkest possible color) as the F face.
- The scramble must be applied correctly. If the puzzle state is wrong, the scrambler must correct it (e.g. by solving the puzzle and applying the scramble sequence again).
- Misalignment penalty (see Regulation 10f of the WCA Regulations): at most 60 degrees.
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- This is a team event (see above) and a fully blindfolded event (from the perspective of the solver) that involves a caller telling a blindfolded solver how to solve a 3x3x3 puzzle.
- There is no inspection time.
- The solver removes the cover from the puzzle after starting the timer.
- The sight blocker should be held in a way that allows the caller to see the puzzle.
- This may be coordinated with the judge. For example, the judge can stand across the table from the solver and hold the sight blocker from above. Alternatively, the judge can stand on one side of the solver (left or right) and try to hold the sight blocker in a less obstructive way, while the caller stands on the other side.
- As in Regulation B4c3, a suitable object may be used as a sight blocker instead of being held by the judge.
- The competitors may switch roles between attempts.
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- All sides of the puzzle must be clearly distinguishable from each other (i.e. have distinct thicknesses on each side).
- All pieces of the puzzle must only be distinguishable from each other by the thickness on each axis. There must be no other way to distinguish the pieces from each other, be that visually, by feel, or otherwise. This also means that the puzzle must not have any logos.
- The orientation of the centers does not matter for determining the solved state.
- Scrambling orientation (see Regulation 4d of the WCA Regulations): scrambled starting with the thickest layer as the top face and the next thickest adjacent layer on the front face.
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- This is a fully blindfolded event (see above).
- The rules for the Mirror Blocks event apply.
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
- Scrambling notation is the same as the Skewb puzzle (see Regulation 12h of the WCA Regulations) with the following additions: F (the layer around the closest visible vertex), UR (the layer around the upper-right vertex), UL (the layer around the upper-left vertex), D (the layer around the lowest visible vertex).
- Misalignment penalty (see Regulation 10f of the WCA Regulations): at most 60 degrees.
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- The solve consists of going from the unlinked ring pattern to the linked ring pattern, as configured in the original mass-produced puzzle.
- The WCA Regulations for Magic from 2010 apply.
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- The solve consists of going from the linked ring pattern to the unlinked ring pattern, as configured in the original mass-produced puzzle.
- The WCA Regulations for Magic from 2010 apply.
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- This event is similar in nature to 3x3x3 Fewest Moves, but does not require a solution to be written down. Instead, the competitor directly applies moves to the puzzle, and the competitor's result is the number of moves in their solution, calculated using Outer Block Turn Metric.
- The time limit for each attempt is 2 minutes.
- Every competitor must have a judge.
- Moves must be counted using a smart cube under the supervision of the judge.
- If the smart cube malfunctions during the attempt, an extra attempt may be given, unless the malfunction happened due to an error by the competitor.
- The following smart cubes are supported: GiiKER, GoCube, Rubik's Connected, HeyKube, earlier Gan smart cubes.
- This website must be used for judging and tracking the number of moves. Instructions:
- Press "Connect" and connect to the cube.
- Enter the competitor's name.
- Apply the scramble.
- Press "Done with scramble" and then "Start" to start the attempt.
- When the competitor solves the puzzle, press "Stop" (optional) and then "Record Result" to record the attempt.
- Submit the attempt on Cubing Contests. You may submit the result with some attempts still missing, and later edit the same result to enter more attempts.
- Press "Reset scramble and alg" and start over with step 2 or 3 as appropriate.
- Once the competitor begins a move, all previous moves permanently remain part of the solution. The competitor may continue performing repetitions of the same move or its inverse, and these are combined into a single move. For example:
- R R → R2
- R R R → R'
- R R' → R0 (counts as 0 moves)
- F R R' F → F R0 F (counts as 2 moves)
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
- This is a blindfolded event (see above), except the final result only includes the execution phase. The execution phase proceeds like a fully blindfolded event, with the following exceptions:
- The entire attempt (memorization + execution) is timed by a judge using a stopwatch.
- The judge starts the stopwatch while lifting the cover.
- The judge stops the stopwatch once the competitor stops the timer.
- A fixed time limit of 15 minutes applies to each attempt, as timed by the stopwatch.
-The stopwatch time is not used in the recorded result.
- Attempts for this event must not count towards a cumulative time limit. If a competitor is eligible for an attempt, they are entitled to the full 15 minutes, although their eligibility for an attempt may be determined by a cutoff.
- The recorded time of the execution phase, as timed by the timer, is the final recorded result.
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
The default round format is Best of 1
- Using a solved 3x3x3 cube (A) and a scrambled 3x3x3 cube (B), a competitor brings cube A to the same state as cube B without making turns on cube B.
- There is no inspection time.
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
The default round format is Best of 3
The ranked average format is Average of 5
- This is a relay event (see above).
- Solve these puzzles: 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, Pyraminx, Megaminx, Skewb, Square-1, Clock, and solve a 3x3x3 one-handed.
- A box should be used to transport and cover all of the puzzles before the start of each attempt.
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
The default round format is Best of 3
- This is a team event and a relay event (see above).
- As a team of two, solve these puzzles: 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, Pyraminx, Megaminx, Skewb, Square-1, Clock, and solve a 3x3x3 one-handed.
- Any team member may do any of the puzzles/events.
- A box should be used to transport and cover all of the puzzles before the start of each attempt.
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
The default round format is Best of 3
- Oven mitts must be of the standard type shown below, with one "pouch" for four fingers and a smaller "pouch" for the thumb.

- Competitors may only touch the puzzle while wearing the oven mitts.
- The Competitor doesn’t have to wear the oven mitts during inspection.
- Competitors may start and stop the timer using their forearms, but the oven mitts must not be in contact with the puzzle while starting or stopping the timer.
- Puzzle defects must be fixed while wearing the oven mitts.
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
- The event consists of solving four 3x3x3 cubes and running four laps (1609m total) in the following order: solve, lap, solve, lap, solve, lap, solve, lap. There is no inspection time.
- Solve: directly after the start signal, competitors uncover their puzzles and begin solving one of them. Competitors may advance through the 9m long transition zone (up to the finish line) during each solve.
- Competitors must solve one of the scrambled puzzles before starting each lap. Penalty: DNF. +2 penalties for a puzzle being one move away from the solved state are applied the same way as in the 3x3x3 Multi-Blind event.
- Laps: after solving each puzzle, competitors run a 400m lap. At the end of the lap, competitors continue to the next puzzle, or - after the final lap - the finish line.
- The transition zone is located in the last 9m of the lap, such that the end of the transition zone is at the same point as the finish line.
- Timing is done by the judge using a stopwatch (see Regulation B2f of the WCA Regulations).
- Scrambling is the same as in the 3x3x3 Multi-Blind event (each scramble is unique and in a random orientation), except that the number of puzzles is always the same.
- After scrambling, the puzzles are placed in the transition zone and completely covered until competitors remove the cover at the start of the attempt (same as in the 3x3x3 Multi-Blind event).
The ranked average format is Mean of 3
The default round format is Best of 1
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