How to hold a contest
If you don't already have moderator privileges and you would like to hold unofficial events at a WCA competition (A) or create an unofficial competition (B) or meetup (C), follow these steps:
1. Create an account and send an email to with the following information (exception: for WCA competitions, you must first wait until the competition has been announced on the WCA website):
1.1. Username
1.2. WCA ID
1.3. Name of the competition/meetup you are organizing
2. Once an admin grants you moderator privileges and ties your competitor profile to your account, log out and log back in. You will now be able to find the "Mod Dashboard" button in the user section in the navbar. Go to that page.
A1. If you are holding unofficial events at a WCA competition, first you must wait until it's approved on the WCA website. Then you can click on Create new contest, enter the ID of the competition from the WCA website, select the WCA Competition contest type, and click Get WCA competition details. The website may return an error, saying that the competition is not found, if not enough time has passed after it got published on the WCA website. In that case, simply try again the next day.
A1.1. If you are holding unofficial events at one of the locations of a WCA competition with multiple locations, you must instead use the Competition contest type. The name must be set like this: [WCA competition name without the year] ([Location]) [Year] (e.g. FMC (Prague) 2024). The short name can be reasonably chosen, as long as it contains most of the same information. The contest ID must match the full CC contest name. The description must include links to both the WCA page and the location website (if applicable) at the top, using this Markdown template:
A2. Edit the editable fields, if necessary. All users with moderator privileges who are listed as organizers on the contest page will have access to edit it and do data entry. Use the description input to add additional details, if necessary. The description supports Markdown syntax.
A3. Go to the Events tab and select all unofficial events and rounds you would like to hold. Please think this part through carefully, because it will not be possible to change the format for a round after the competition is approved without direct admin intervention. As such, changing formats is highly discouraged. You may add additional rounds after the contest is approved yourself if you have the time for it, but adding an event requires admin approval. If you would like to hold a brand new event, you may request for it to be added, but this should be done before your contest is approved.
A4. Go to the Schedule tab and add all rounds to the schedule. You must first enter the rooms and then add the schedule activities with the correct room selected for each round. Custom activities can also be added (e.g. Lunch).
A5. Click Create Contest, open the competition page and make sure everything looks right. After you have done that, you will need to add a link to the newly-created competition to the WCA competition page. It is recommended to add that link and any relevant information to a dedicated "Unofficial Events" tab. Then wait for an admin to approve the competition, at which point it will become visible on the Contests page on the website. You may still edit some of the details after creation, if necessary.
A6. Make sure your contests follow the rules (while the results on Cubing Contests are considered unofficial, we still strive to ensure consistency and fairness). To generate the scorecards, you can click Edit and click Scorecards (this button becomes available after the contest gets approved). Since there is no registration through Cubing Contests yet, the names won't be filled in and there are no groups, but there is one page for each round of each event. You can print as many copies of each page as you need for the corresponding rounds, and ask the competitors to fill their names in by hand when submitting their puzzles. Keep in mind that all names must be filled in for team events, but a signature from just one of the competitors on a team is enough.
A7. To do data entry, click Results on the moderator dashboard, select the event and round, and start entering results. The tooltips explain how to enter competitors and results. If you would like to add a competitor without a WCA ID, and they aren't already in the Cubing Contests database, you can add new competitors on the Add New Competitor page. You can access this page from the moderator dashboard, or by clicking (add new person) when searching for a competitor in the competitor input. Data entry can be done entirely using the keyboard.
A8. Once you have entered all results and finished double-checking, click Finish on the moderator dashboard. Once an admin publishes the competition, the results will be included in the rankings.